1 comment:

  1. This is the most amazing blog ever!!!!!!!! You can not imagine how much I have bee dreaming to find these releases, there is no music that I like better than synth music from South Africa in the 80s, the music made during that era sounds incredibly fresh nowadays but is unfortunately impossible to find on any support. It's such a sad forgotten page of South Africa's music history. 'Bongani' and 'Burn Out' are my favorite songs. All I have been able to find (I live in Los Angeles) is the Weekend Special vinyl. Would you have any tips for finding some of these albums you are informing us about on your blog, I would give an arm and leg for them. I have always wanted to find the "Touch somebody" album, the full "Burn out" one. The other albums that you are talking about like Steve Kekana, The Cannibals, The Big Dudes album sound beyond excitement! If you could let me know how I could get a hand on these sounds... My email address is bonanouch@hotmail.com

    Thanks a million time,


