CCP, RG(E)1034
Producer: Tom Vuma

The All-Rounders were originally a band of talented blind multi-instrumentalists that included Babsy Mlangeni. Many members of the band left the country after 1976, while Simon Falatsi went on to form
Marumo. "By 1983 the line-up had so changed that it would be wrong to call it a band of the blind. They released an album,
Ekaba ke Mang Eo, under the name Thami and The All-Rounders, produced by CCP's Tom Vuma. Their lead vocalist was Thami Sobekwa, one of the most powerful voices in the industry at that time. Yes, he's the voice on 'Cause I Love You' on the group
Stimela's live album. You may also like to know that one of the band members was Faith Shadi Kekana who would later be a member of female trio
Shadiii" (Mojapelo, 2008:16).