Little-known trio The Bees consisted of Dominic Coka, Solomon Phiri and Anthony Sibanda. Their 1988 album She’s A Witch (Tikoloshi) features six dancefloor-ready, distinctively South African tracks that show how bubblegum in the late 80s embraced house music. Produced by Steve Cooks, who would go on to work with heavyweights Senyaka, Spokes H and Umoja in the years that followed.
Searing vocals and percussive synth basslines are best on ‘Hlabalaza’ (already a DJ favourite) and the title track, its lyrics telling the spooky tale of an evil woman who rules the night - ‘Tikoloshi’ being the mischievous creature of Zulu folklore (usually a man) who is still widely blamed for all manner of mysterious happenings in the middle of the night.